Tim “Jace” Fox, estranged son of billionaire Lucius Fox, returns to Gotham City after having disappeared for years. Following an attack on Arkham Asylum known as “A-Day,” the Mayor of Gotham City allows a private law enforcement group known as the Magistrate to take over policing vigilantism in the city, cracking down on anyone wearing a mask. Soon after, Bruce Wayne and Batman are nowhere to be seen and Gotham City quickly goes from bad to worse. With the Magistrate ruling the city, and the Dark Knight gone, Gotham needs a new hero—enter Tim Fox, the Next Batman!
This 7-inch scale figure is designed with McFarlane's signature Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range and posing. Each DC Multiverse figure includes a collectible art card with artwork on the front and character biographies on the back.
Product Features
- 7-inch scale (17.78cm)
- Made of plastic
- Designed with Ultra Articulation with up to 22 moving parts for full range of posing and play
- Highly detailed
- Collectable art card with artwork on the front, and character biographies on the back
Box Contents
- Batman figure
- 2 Pairs of hands
- Batarang
- Base
Size: 18m. Recommended age: +12 years. Articulated figure. Contains accessories.